Day 26 Via Francigena, San Miniato to Gambassi Terme, 24.2km

Date: Wednesday 5 September
Distance covered to Rome: 695.2/1027km
Terrain: rolling Tuscan hills and country back roads
Overnight: Ostello Sigerico, €12
Feeling: hungry and a bit perplexed about the next two days.

So this is what I was expecting! The rolling hills of Tuscany and the many layers of valleys with the hills behind them.

It was stunning walking as the sun rose this morning. Everywhere I turned was yet another amazing view. I am sure my photos won’t do it justice, but I tried to capture the softness of the colours and that layering effect.

The countryside changed from ancient olive groves, to endless grape vines, to more open country and what looked like wheat stubble. I am not sure how they plough and harvest such steep country, but they have obviously been doing it for hundreds of years. Practice makes perfect.

Accompanying me on today’s stroll were about 100 biting flies and they were all determined to have a piece of me! I sorted them out with the RID, but they were persistent buggers. I think they are something like our March flies. Not pleasant.

My other small incident came straight out of the movies. Picture me striding along happily, picture car coming towards me at some pace, picture car driving straight through a largish puddle and making no effort to avoid it. Picture me with cranky face as I wipe off mud and water! It always looks much funnier in the movies…

And now I wait for tonight’s ostello to open. I seem to be getting used to waiting. I have had muesli for lunch as the restaurant that is promoted everywhere in this location, closes on Wednesdays. Bugger.

Tip of the day: carry bug spray! And muesli!

21 thoughts on “Day 26 Via Francigena, San Miniato to Gambassi Terme, 24.2km

  1. What beautiful photos Mel, you did capture the softness. You don’t seem to be having much luck in the meal department. That would make me decidedly ornery! But you are back in the beautiful walking, not sure what has you perplexed about the next two days walking, hope it is good. It is raining here in Segovia.


    1. Hi Lue. Sorry to hear about the rain. That makes things decidedly unpleasant for walking. My confusion about the next two days relates to the fact that I am squeezing three stages into two and seem to have underestimated the distance by about 10-15km. I have to try to work out the halfway point. Either way they are going to be bloody big days! Take care, Melx


  2. Mel those photos are spectacuar. What a morning it must have been. It sounds like the day was certainly full of adventure. I hope you can sort out accom options for your lond days ahead. Stay safe, Grace xx


    1. Thanks Grace. Sometimes I just over think things when really I should just focus on being in the now and putting one foot in front of the other!


      1. It’s all perfect. Think of the memories you’ll ‘dine out’ on when you’re back in Aus. xx


  3. I always find pictures never do the scenery justice, however you’ve captured the views quite well! Absolutely stunning! Sorry about the mud water though. I’ve had that happen to me before. Not a good time. Keep on truckin’ girl! Killin’ it over there! 😉


    1. This morning there were equally stunning views and this time with five hot air balloons floating on the horizon. Talk about spectacular! I’m certainly gettin enough kilometres, but I can never get enough of the scenery. Have a great day!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Beautiful photos Mel. Fingers crossed for everything to go according to plan for the next couple of days!?? x


    1. Yes, survived today and didn’t do as many kilometres as I planned. I hope that means the overall route is shorter as opposed to a massive day tomorrow. Time will tell! See you soon! Melx


  5. Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful. Funny – not. Bloody flies. All magic and how lucky are you to be walking it!?


    1. Yes, even after 27 days I still can’t believe what I am experiencing. It is really hard, but so beautiful. Take care, Melx


  6. Just Arrived Back In Aust from thailand 5Star That is A holiday .


    1. Yes, I know. I have been thinking of you sunning yourselves! This isn’t a holiday, it’s an adventure!! And I will be ready for a holiday when I get home!! Melx


  7. Gorgeous photos. Definitely book cover worthy 😁


    1. Oh, I’m not sure I’ve got a book in me, but thanks for the idea! 🙂


  8. Such lovely photo’s – you’ve certainly captured the softness in the sky!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Every morning I said to myself, “this morning I am NOT going to take photos of the sunrise”, but it won me over everytime!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Hello just wondering how much of the stage 6 section is on roads?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Debbie. From memory (and we are going back nearly 4 years) that day was all on roads of some sort. Many were dirt roads working across the countryside through farmland, but then quite a bit of tar as I got close to Santhia. Did you mean Day 6 or Day 26? Ciao, Mel


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