Delicious, Decadent Doughnuts – Dying and Going to Heaven in Nowra, South Coast NSW.

I rarely watch those glamorous travel shows on the television. Everything looks so idyllic, fun and the weather is always perfect. So, it was a surprise when I turned on the idiot box one day that my attention and tastebuds were instantly captured by a tiny hole-in-the-wall business in the coastal town of Nowra.

I had discovered Destination Doughnut!

First off, apologies for the quality of the majority of the photos. I did not want to look like even more of a drooling idiot by asking the staff member to take the decadent doughnuts out of their display case just so I could take better photographs. I just snapped away merrily as I waited for her to work her barista magic on the coffee machine.

Nowra is a large town, perhaps a city, about 2.5hrs drive South of Sydney. I imagine it was once a bustling centre for timber, dairy and fishing industries and has now evolved into more of a service centre for the surrounding villages and smaller towns. It also has the air of a place you simply drive through to get to somewhere nicer or more interesting, although I suspect I am selling it short and its delights are yet to be discovered.

But, back to the doughnuts…

Espresso Boy Doughnuts is located on the old main access road into the Nowra CBD, since superseded by a bypass (which can still be a nightmare of bumper-to-bumper traffic in peak periods such as long weekends and school holidays). Its previous role as a substantial thoroughfare means that the street is quite wide, with plentiful and easily accessible parking. This feature is perfect for tradies and other busy workers who need to hit and run.

I did not need to feel self-conscious about loitering around the café’s doors before 700am. Their doors actually open at 500am making this a popular destination for aforementioned tradies and other early workers seeking both a caffeine hit and a sugar rush. To their advantage, the tradies will work off all/some of those calories as they wield that shovel or lift that beam during their work day. Me, on the other hand…

But, back to the doughnuts…


  • Light, fluffy texture – almost sponge cake-like.
  • Not oily or greasy. It retains its shape when you bite into it, not squashing down.
  • The icing was more chocolate-like than pure icing and it delivered a silky smooth and delectable mouth feel. I almost sound like I know what I am talking about!
  • I have a serious sweet tooth, but even I couldn’t eat the Caramilk doughnut AND its Easter egg decoration. They were saved for the road trip home.
  • Taste Score: 4.5/5
Espresso Boy Doughnuts, Nowra
What they really look like when someone takes a professional photo. Source: Espresso Boy Doughnuts
  • Heart-Attack-Inducing Score: 7/5
  • Hours Exercise Required to Burn Off Those Calories: at least 3 hours!
  • Coffee Score: 3/5. It delivered on its caffeine function, but I have tasted better coffee. In reality, this destination is all about the doughnuts.

Thankfully for my arteries and general heart health, I live a long way away from Nowra. My cholesterol levels will thank me, while my tastebuds beg to differ.

A minute on the lips, many hours on the hips. Oh well, life is all about balance, isn’t it?

When have you succumbed to temptation?

The Basics

What: Two large coffees and two decadent doughnuts cost $18.00. Definitely not cheap, but a tasty treat.

Where: Espresso Boy Doughnuts can be found at 68 Bridge St, Nowra NSW 2541.

When: Calories and caffeine are on offer from 5am – 4pm.

Why: A feast for the eyes and the tastebuds.

How: It would pay you to walk there and then walk home.

Who: Sugar addicts, caffeine fiends, children that need bribing to behave, sweet tooth-type people, gourmands.

Related Posts: Not quite as decadent, but definitely a taste sensation, discover your ‘gintelligence’ level here.

Related Blogs: Jo always finds cake on her Monday walks. Sorry Jo, I skipped the walk and headed straight for the cake!

Read About it: For a historical read that includes a walk through this part of the World, grab a copy of Jock Serong’s novel Preservation. It is loosely based on a period in Australia’s early colonial history when a group of shipwrecked sailors walk up the coast to Sydney, interacting with the local Aboriginal people along the way. Available from Fishpond.

#destinationnsw #nowra #travelinspo #donuts #doughnuts #espressoboydoughnuts #southcoastnsw #sugarrush #carbloading #gourmetgoods #deliciousanddecadent #bakedtreats #cake

29 thoughts on “Delicious, Decadent Doughnuts – Dying and Going to Heaven in Nowra, South Coast NSW.

  1. Guess it’s time for another bike trip to wear that off! I think Canada is the biggest consumer of doughnuts per capita in the world, but I could easily take a pass on them. Now cookies, that’s something I’d say yes to. 😊 Maggie

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It had better be a very looooong bike trip! 🙂 And it sounds like I am going LOVE Canada when I get there one day! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Look quite yummy!!


    1. I think you guys need to come over and check them out!


  3. This post made me smile as I haven’t actually eaten a doughnut for what seems forever. At school, on a treat day we had these decadent ones full of cream, I can still remember them quite vividly 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. In case you didn’t notice I have a shocker of a sweet tooth and a weakness for doughnuts! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I don’t think I could manage one at 5am, Mel, but you did make me smile. I dread to think what excesses you will get up to in northern Spain, but I hope you enjoy every mouthful! Thanks for the link, darlin!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The good thing about excesses in Spain is that there is always excessive walking waiting for me the next day and the day after that and the day after that and…. The biggest challenge is to stop eating when I stop walking! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi. My mouth was watering as I read this story!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. You had me at your header picture! National Donut Day is coming up – first Friday in June, I believe. It’s always a GREAT day because 1) donuts, and 2) the end of the school year is within spitting distance!

    I’m going to be obnoxious and link to my post about coffee and donuts. Did you know there’s a right way and a wrong way to consume coffee and donuts? Well, there is. Now you’ll be in the know. 😉

    Coffee & Donuts

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, thank you for the doughnut wisdom, Wise One! Next question, is it ‘doughnut’ or ‘donut’? Or the usual US/UK argy bargy?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It can be spelled either way in America. And by the way, if I weren’t married to an Englishman, I’d have no idea what “argy bargy” means. But I am, so I do! 😃

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yet another benefit of being married to a Pom! 🙂 You are multilingual!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. You’re (bloody) right! Haha!

            Liked by 1 person

  7. Oh my goodness….droooool!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Do I spy Kit Kats on those doughnuts? That’s not fair! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There is EVERYTHING on those doughnuts! Or my hips now! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh, no! Feet don’t fail me now—gotta spend those surplus Kcal! I hear ya!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Don’t worry, I’m about to go for a long walk, so those calories will be but a memory! 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  9. Oh lovely! Kiama also has a very famous doughnut van 😋

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Another wonderful excuse to return to Kiama again. Thanks for the tip. Mel

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Amazing happy to help 😊

        Liked by 1 person

  10. For those with a sweet tooth. Pure hedonistic pleasure!

    Liked by 1 person

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